Update 5: 23/11/2013 22 & 23 weeks pics
Hello all,
This update is a little more about mum and me. There are a couple of photos of me in Mum's belly as we have received some special requests. She thinks she hides our belly ok at work, and only feels pregnant at night and on the weekends. We are both pretty sure that that will be short lived, but for now our secret is safe.
The other news is that we were told that we need to manage our sugar as we didn't get the results we were looking for on our glucose test. There is a picture of the little kit we use 4 times a day to take our sugar results. We are kicking it with our diet, that is the super easy part. Dad is cooking really yummy dinners for us to eat so it has been great. The only trouble we seem to have is the morning readings. To fix it, we need to snack before bed, but it doesn't seem to be working.
One of the reasons for the secrecy is our Whitehouse. Mum and Dad have received approval for the refinance of the townhouse and the purchase of the land. It will be processed soon. The only other complication is the construction loan, but we are pretty sure everyone will know about me by then.
P.S. If Mum seems to be pulling a silly face it could be because of the silly things Dad is saying when he is taking the photos. Mum is hoping that I don't inherit all parts of Dad's sense of humor, and some parts of her's too actually.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Love Puggle
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