Pieces of Play: Tuesday What I Loved to Play as a Kid
Play as a kid was always serious for me. There was a huge element of creativity and imagination as with most kids. I had a beautiful childhood and this is what I remember.
I remember imaginary play, and playing 'make believe' Star Wars with cousins and so many birthdays to celebrate. There was only one cousin with a lot of toys, most of the time we would just be playing in the yard and climbing small trees.
I remember roaming free and riding my bike. We lived in two Hostels where my Dad and sometimes Mum worked. At Neville Bonner Hostel we had wide open spaces, private roads, and areas with grass and trees to roam. There was also so much swimming, and water play. We grew up in hot climates and the water will always be a special element in my mental health. As a Mumma I take the girls swimming and it takes us to a really good place.
I remember the young years always being dressed up in anything we could find to make a costume, or create a style. It was a beautiful childhood and my sister Sarah and I would have a beautiful garden to play in, the grass was thick and soft, and it felt like an Oasis. We were lucky to spend a lot of time doing our own thing.
I remember serious play. As I got older the dance lessons turned to a much more serious play, and I was invited to teach dance to the younger levels to cover my tuition. My sister was a paid performer in dance, singing, and modelling during the school holidays. I liked the serious side of play, and I liked teaching.
I remember team sports specifically netball and being a representative player in the lower grades. There was a bit of work ethic there, but never enough dedication to really take it to the next level. I often got the Most Conscientious or Most Improved. I also realised I was not interested in aggression or physical play. My desire for competition was not the type that was against others and considered myself not competitive. I think the most important competition is the one against yourself.
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