Pieces of Play Wednesday: Play sounds like

This one is easy! Laughter. Giggles. Delirious Laughter. These are just photos from this weekend, and in another weeks time there will be more photos and memories to choose from. 

The coolest thing about living with kids is the laughter. Sometimes Kaiya has her noise cancalling earphones on and screams out with laughter. I look at Michael with a concerned look on my face but the shrieks of laughter that come from these girls is happiness in it's purest form. It's beautiful. It's disrupting in the best way and it's right up there with the best sounds ever, in the history of the world. 

This weekend Kaiya had her Dad's watch which monitors movement and counts steps. Kaiya ran around in cirles of the basketball court while her sister played. Even sitting down she was wiggling her leg , like it would help get the steps up. Kaiya has so much fun, she thinks it's hilarious!

On our drive to Kaiya's basketball game Kirra is in the back fo the car with me. It's a big deal to swap seats lately. I start singing a song and get the words wrong. Well that then catapults us into a very silly conversation about song lyrics, making up our own words and placing bets. We laugh at the results when we play the song for real. We laugh at the winners and losers. We laugh at ourselves. We laugh feeling happy to be alive. 

Even now the girls have asked me to finish off Kirra's peice of watermelon and have pranked me by higding a pink coloured Warhead Candy (the super sour type) and are failing at controlling their cheekiness and desire for play. 

So yeah. I might not be playful but I'm surrounded by the best energy ever. 


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