15/07/2014 Just catching up on the news
Hello there,
Muma here,
My guess is that I shouldn't publish this as Kaiya's Muma, well at least a responsible parent should be a bit ashamed anyways but today we were catching up on some news, i.e. a little bit of Q&A. A bit of though provoking discussion never hurt anyone, and in fact it is very, very good for you. Kaiya was very attentive to the discussion while sitting with Alfredo, her Giraffe from Barcelona. We were specifically talking about education, a very important topic to us. There is actually a very bit tradition of us Jard's watching the news that started with my Nana, Lorna Jard (nee Mitchell), who is my Dad's Mum. My Nana used to watch the news on every channel and then all over again. It was a long time before the internet and the 24/7 news coverage we have nowadays. I would have been a young kid in the 80's and Nana would tell us to be quiet while the news was on. The TV wasn't on all that much though. Nowadays my sister might give me a call like she recently did and ask me what I think about the budget so Kaiya you are one in a very long line of avid politics watchers.
PS Bastille Day pictures to come!
Love to all
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