23/07/2014 Skype with the Jards
Hi all,
It has been a while since my last post/email and I will be taking a break again shortly for my FIRST EVER HOLIDAY, which also happens to be my first Wedding (outside of Muma's belly that is). We are going to check out Noosa.
I wanted to share some of the fun that I have been having on Skype in the hope that it may inspire you to pick up the tablet of laptop or webcam and have a chat to someone cool / awesome in your life.
This is how a Skype session goes for us.
1) first the phone call to make sure everyone is available
2) then the technical difficulties, 'I'm calling you now', 'Can you hear me?', 'Hang on, I'm just adjusting the camera / windows/ turning on the lights' and 'I'm hanging up the phone now' after being connected for at least 5 minutes and being well on our way into a chat.
3) Hanging up on the phone!
4) Now the fun starts! Oh but first someone may need to make a cuppa or get a snack.
The fun part for us involves some of the following activities:
- getting out some toys, and holding them up to the camera for our audience. Sometimes we have reciprocal toys i.e. when Naliandrah and I had a set of blocks at both ends one day and were building towers of buildings and animals.
- catching up on the latest news and events of our lives
- singing the latest rhymes that Naliandrah has learnt at daycare and preschool, indeed Naliandrah knows all of the latest stuff a 4 year old these days would
- having a bit of a cry and needing a snack (yes indeed at both ends sometimes)
- showing off our latest tricks and skills
- playing music into the microphones and dancing
- Mum taking photos (mostly always)
- talking about the new characters in our lives which sometimes involve TV characters and Naliandrah knows them all.
5) Hanging up always involves lots of 'I Love You' and sometimes kisses are blown that you have to catch at the other end. The other part about hanging up, no one ever wants to be the first person to do so.
So the best tip really is to just do normal stuff and have a few people at each end, it is more entertaining that way and it is easier to transition in and out when it interests you.
So the best tip really is to just do normal stuff and have a few people at each end, it is more entertaining that way and it is easier to transition in and out when it interests you.
Have an awesome weekend people!! (yes it is only Wednesday but my weekend starts tomorrow straight after Muma's job interview, wish us luck!).
Love Kaiya Kelly Puggles
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