December Story 9: December 2020 Trees
Thank you for the community Christmas trees this season. Sometimes we go through a moment in our heads about whether or not to put up a Christmas tree. What are they for? They are just decorative right? They are a symbol of life, a European tradition that has been passed down generations, and an interesting place to put our presents for sure but if we don’t put up a tree, will anyone notice? If we don’t host Christmas this year at our place, is there really any point?
Well this year more than any other I can say this. Even though
the ‘people’ aspect of Christmas has been absent this year, with no carollers,
no singers and dancers, no Santa parades then at least there have been Christmas
trees. We see so many during the Christmas and I photograph them but I don’t
usually write about them, particularly the community ones. When I walk in the
city, they catch me in a moment of awe, I take a deep breath, I look at the details,
I inhale, smile, and enjoy their beauty but I don’t often think of them as my tree
to record. This year the trees, specifically the community trees, have been a special
reminder that there still has been a festive season.
There were beautiful decorations in the lobbies of the city buildings,
and hotels but this year I am sharing some of the ones that the girls have seen.
The trees have reminded them every time that Santa is visiting, and that we
will be celebrating, and giving gifts to each other, and ‘eating yummy food’ as
Kaiya and Kirra put it. Every tree we see in the community reminds us that
there are only a few more sleeps to go. That it won’t be long until we find out
what is underneath all the wrapping, and that Christmas day is getting closer
and closer.
The trees have also reminded us to spontaneously say Merry
Christmas to who ever is around us at the time. The girls have said “Merry
Christmas” to the coordinators at swimming training on Saturday, the happy and
awesome staff at Guzman and Gomez (restaurant), our beautiful educator Miss
Susan in the kitchen at Daycare, and Kindy friends and families, when we drop
in and out in the mornings and afternoons.
They have been special to us and we say thank-you to everyone
who put up a tree this year to share with others.
Here is a list of the trees that have inspired us this year,
and kept us in the festive mood:
1) - Our Saturday morning Christmas Tree at swimming
2) - One of the Christmas Tree decorating activities
in Kirra’s Kindy classroom. Interactive for the kids to play with.
3) - Three of the many Christmas Trees at Kirra’s
Daycare. The trees decorated with handmade ornaments and artwork are our favourites
4) - Christmas cheer at GG’s (Guzman and Gomez) one
day we got to meet the owners as they were setting up party decorations and a
special cake for a Christmas Party. They were putting on for staff during work
hours, they said that they had been planning it for a while but spontaneously organised
it that day as COVID restrictions had lifted, and they had approval to have a
party. Kaiya (and Mumma) seriously wanted to gate crash. It was also cool to tell
them directly how awesome their staff are with the Vegan options.
5) - The beautiful Christmas Tree at the resort we
stayed at on the Gold Coast for a last minute holiday (so lucky with timing).
6) - The Christmas tree that my niece Naliandrah walks past most days on her walk through Frenchville and Mt Archer. Not sure who decorates it, but thank-you for the festive cheer.
I hope you all found a way to connect with the community in some way over Christmas too. We are so very grateful for the Christmas trees of 2020!
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