December 2021 Story 6: School Artwork

One of the things that adds to this year feeling overwhelming is the artwork that comes through the front door each week. Usually I am pulling it out of their school bags and it is usually crushed, torn, and sometimes damp from a leaking popper juice.

 It is always beautiful, showing their skill, indicating their development, and always an indicator of their artistic and intellectual progress.

 At this time of year the artwork comes in like a tidal wave. Thick and fast, combined with the usual bits of nature (favourite sticks, stones, leaves and dried flowers). Add to this the years left over stationery from their boxes in the classroom. Sorting out the artwork can be overwhelming because we have 6, plus 4 years worth of previous years artwork that I haven’t sorted out in boxes around the house.

It is also very, very precious. So precious. Artwork is my favourite thing to receive from my little baby girls. It’s so many things, bright and dark, full of emotions from sad to happy, and reflective of their peers and pop culture, and some have the most incredible stories attached to them when we stop to ask, while others don’t. I also see a lot of artwork that has not been finished this year. I think the kids get rushed at school, and don’t get time to finish it. Hopefully life can slow down for them, but also they will learn to take control of time a little more. Sometimes it’s not always about the end product but the act of sitting down doing something creative, even if just for a moment.

Amongst the art works are friendship letters and notes from classmates, friends, and kids they hang out with in before and afterschool care. Friendship notes are particularly popular among Kaiya’s peers. This year Kaiya gave away some artwork to a friend. It’s a thing right now. Afterall, her love language is gifts.

There is also a picture of Kirra and her excitement in creating new decorations for the tree.

 I also know that the season we are in where the artwork is coming into the house is limited. They won’t be making so much of it, or bringing it home. For now some of it will fill our Christmas Decorations boxes and I’ll enjoy it next year as well.


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