Christmas 2021 Story 9: Elf Training Day
Elf training Day was fun. We are in the still in season where the girls still enjoy doing crafts. Craft time is a very regular occurrence here at home and I hope to have two little artists in residence who love to journal and express themselves in something that feels good to them. COVID meant that there were fewer opportunities to get out and about and do craft so with the COVID restrictions combined with vaccination rates going up we are getting more opportunities back again. It’s wonderful to see artists, entertainers, event planners, and creatives, oh I mean Elves, getting out there and running events for the kids during school holidays.
Today was a workshop where the kids made a Christmas Bon Bon (filled with Treasures), Christmas Tree Decoration, Reindeer Antlers, decorated stockings and sang Christmas Carols in sign language. It was awesome. I see the world changing and it is a beautiful thing. The girls got their Elf in Training Identification Card and a bundle of goodies all covered in glitter. Kaiya found it particularly interesting that she wasn’t going to keep her crafts but was making them for another child who’s initial was “K”. Kaiya and Kirra learnt heaps and added to their Christmas knowledge about all things Christmassy! We also checked out the Santa zone and spend some time in and around the magical tree.
There was a lovely parent there who offered
to take our photo. It was a lovely gesture, and I am grateful. We got pretty
lucky because we managed to catch the Christmas Carolers perform a set of Christmas
songs. Kirra found that particularly magic!
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