05/06/214 THANKFUL FOR.....A guest post by Muma
Hello all,
It's Kaiya Kelly's Muma here today.
I just wanted to say that Kaiya Kelly is awesome. Her Dad and I make sure to tell her everyday. This morning we woke up in awe of this little girl who grows and learns new things every day, often doing it with a great big smile on her face. She is the best! There is so much love and joy. It is not something for the faint hearted but being a Muma is fun! I get so excited being Kaiya Muma.
On Sunday morning we woke up and had a play, with music, singing and dancing and I thought that I would share with you some of the thoughts that go on in my head on a regular basis.
Thankful for:
- I'm thankful for the long stretches of sleep, sometimes 10 hours at a time.
- I'm thankful for Friday nights knowing we get Dad at home for the next couple of days, with the exception of a couple of hours coaching Basketball.
- I'm thankful for the morning sleep-ins. After getting out of her cot sometime around 6am, Kaiya is happy to have breakfast and a sleep-in in the big bed with Mum and Dad under the warm covers.
- I'm thankful for the very rare but lazy Sundays where we can do what we want, take it easy and get extra cuddles in, and prepare ourselves for the big week ahead. A lazy day often involves laughing, new tricks, group hugs and Dad experimenting in the kitchen. This week it has been baking bread, baguettes and pizza.
- I am thankful for being here everyday for Kaiya's Bathtime. Bathtime, is seriously my favourite time of the day. Kaiya gets to kick, and splash and float. Kaiya's birthday suit is the best ever. Some days involve a manicure, or a hair treatment.
- I am thankful for having a restful sleeping bubba in my arms. Kaiya is not a big daytime sleeper so it can be rare. Kaiya is so snuggly and gorgeous. It takes me back to my cuddles with my Dad when I was a baby. Dad would often fall into a nap too. Nowadays as a Poppy he often is the 'Poppy Perfect' naptime companion for my nice Naliandrah. Even though she is 4 years old Poppy is still the best human beanbag there is.
- I am thankful for the very satisfied face after a feed where Kaiya's cheeks and lips seem to be at their chubbiest and she is seriously mellow.
- I am thankful for time with Nanma on Skype and opening the little packages that she sends with goodies for Kaiya (see picture attached of the aftermath of a package)
- I am thankful for the conversations with my Sister Sarah and her beautiful words of encouragement, and the laughing and giggling. Her recent she is a wonderful mum to Naliandrah and her experience helps me be a better Muma to Kaiya. I can't imagine how much harder it must be for single mums and I have a new appreciation and respect.
- I'm thankful for Nadia and Sam the little trailblazer. I learn so much from Nadia.
- I am thankful for Godmothers, both mine, Teresa and Kaiya's Godmothers Carla and Diana and their generosity. Hopefully Kaiya gets to have as much fun with you as Michael and I have although it may involve buddles of a different kind of vintage.
- I am thankful for the pressies, particularly the clothes and toys. I'm not really a very playful Mum but I am very grateful for the developmental opportunities that the toys bring, her current favourites are the musical car console, the musical star stacker and the super colourful Giraffe Michael has called Alfredo from Barcelona
- I am thankful for the hand me downs from my cousin Letisha. It is nice to pick up an outfit and wonder what fun and adventure has been had in it. Sometimes there are some from Naliandrah that I recognise from photos.
- I am thankful for my camera and this forum, my camera is critical in the telling of the adventures of Kaiya Kelly Puggles and her adoring readers keep us motivated.
Love Muma
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