Hello everyone,
Maybe this update will be short, but hey no promises right! (Lucky my Mum is totally off caffeine otherwise we might be here all day).

I went for a scan this
week which is attached. The reason for the extra scan is to monitor my
size which is a big issue with diabetes babies like myself. Mum and I are on tablets and insulin injects now to get us back on track. It is before Christmas so Mum is going to need to be super careful and she hasn't lost the sweet tooth she found when we got pregnant.
My scan was crazy hectic with the technician, a student and our diabetes's educator, the wonderful Annette, who made a special stop to make sure Mum knew how to get everything to work. Dad was there
too so it was really awesome for him to be a part of it all. He can't be there for everything but the scans are super special.
At the end of the scan (27 weeks and 2 days) it appears that everything is within a normal size range. In every criteria, I am showing as above average except for my abdominal circumference which is out of range. Here are some stats:
Head Circumference: 272.9mm
Adominal Circumference: 261.2mm
Femur length (my leg) 53.5mm
Estimated foetal weight: 1418g or 3lb(s) 2 ozs.
The also check my heart action, blood flow and rate though my umbilical cord, the fluid in our placenta (normal too), my breathing etc.
Now with the scan pictures: the top photo shows my feet flat on the screen and all of my little toes. The second is a side profile and so is the third, but I got a bit shy there and covered my face with my two fists.
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