30/05/2014 My blue steel look in my new sunnies!
Happy Friday everybody!
Gee whiz, Fridays come up super quick. There are 2 photos attached of me in my new sunglasses. One is my Blue Steel look, everyone should have one in their repertoire, if you're not sure what it is check out Zoolander, but be warned it is a bit of a crazy film. Then there should also be one of me with a smile and my tongue. It is my gammin' look, too deadly!
The third photo is me after a playdate with Nadia and Sam's Mums and Bubs group. Muma didn't take a photo of everyone as she is a bit too shy to take pictures of other peoples bubbas so this is the aftermath. There were 7 mums and 7 bubs, all boys except for me. It was really interesting to see them all interact and watch how clever they are in their development of play and body movement. Muma and I just sat back and watched. It was really really interesting. Thanks Nadia and Sam for inviting us.

Love Kaiya Kelly Puggles
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