Update 8 25/01/2014: Week 29 Update: Baby Shower Rockhampton (Retrospective)
Hello all,
This week is a bit special as Mum, Dad and I are on holiday for the Christmas / New Year break. It will be our last Christmas in Rockhampton for a while. We also had a very special party held in my honor. It was a baby shower thrown by Nanma, Poppy, Aunty Sarah and Naliandrah. It was great and Aunty Sarah made a giant three layered chocolate cake, biscuits in the shape of baby rompers/onsies as thank-you gifts and cupcakes with map flags. Aunty Sarah also did a mosaic and art work made out of maps in a frame, and bunting to hang at the party and in my bedroom. Naliandrah made me two special paintings too. Pretty cool hey. It was held at Bluebirds (my Poppy's Soccer Club) and there were lots of family members to shower me with gifts. There was only one baby game, aircon, some pool played, and super cold beer on tap. Attached is a group photo.
Also attached is a picture of Mum for Week 29 taken by my Dad. He was interrupted for the photo shoot while fishing and he caught 2 fish and a crab.
Love Puggles
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