16/05/2014 Happy Birthday Aunty Sarah and an update
Happy Birthday Aunty Sarah and hello everyone,
We are doing a Happy Dance here for Aunty Sarah. We had a wonderful session on Skype with Nanma and Poppy last night so hopefully we can catch up with Naliandrah and Aunty Sarah for her Birthday this afternoon.
Also, a bit of an update. I am growing like crazy, Muma is going to cull out the 0000 size clothes for safe keeping, but really, I'm so long now I can only fit into 00 size onsies, i.e. the long john type. Most of my 000 stuff will get put away too. Muma couldn't believe how fast it is all going but she is super proud of my development. I am smiling back now and mimicking faces. My daily routine is really showing strongly. I have nice long stretches of sleep at night and wake up in the morning just before Dad is up so we have had cuddles in Mum and Dad's bed every morning this week. They are still tired from the broken sleep for a feed but very, very grateful. Sometimes Muma has to stop herself from getting me out of bed for cuddles and kisses in the middle of the night. Mum and Dad love me like crazy glue.
Crazy glue love to everybody and Happy Birthday Aunty Sarah and Happy Friday everyone.
Love Kaiya Kelly Puggles

Love Kaiya Kelly Puggles
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