20/05/2014 My latest shenanigans
Hello all,
A quick note to say at 11 weeks old I am getting up to the following:
Sleeping: I have been giving Mum lots of practice at soothing me to sleep and putting me in my cot. One time I made her do it four times. Oh my was she good at it in the end. My favourite habit is waking up 10 or so minutes after she has put me down. Dad says 'We should be getting Kaiya to bed early', ha ha, I laugh in the face of early! My latest pleasure has been waking up and having a feed before Dad's alarm goes off and joining everyone in bed for a sleep in. It is heavenly under the feather down doona. I could stay there all morning.
Growing: I have been standing on my legs now while they are straight. I'm still a little top heavy and can't balance on my own but I love practicing. I also needed two baths yesterday, both of which I protested. It is usually something I enjoy after Muma does all of the necessary stuff but yesterday, I didn't like it. Basically, I can't get too predictable in my behaviour, it's my job to keep Mum and Dad keen and throw them off their game occasionally. I'm also getting heavy, oh boy the tucka here is good and I've got a lot of growing to do until I'm shooting hoops at Basketball. I also have two bottles at dinner time, Muma thinks it may help me sleep for the 5-7 hourly stints . It is also likely that I am going through a growth spurt.
Personality: Oh man can I cry big now! I just let it all out. The health workers have all said that the bigger I get the louder and bigger the crys. It is something that I have been working on as my communication skills have to develop as my needs become more complex. I am cooing and sighing, and giving everyone big smiles. I am mimicking the faces that everyone pulls for me from blowing raspberries to opening my mouth up wide for no apparent reason. I can also raise one solitary eyebrow like my Muma does and I seem to have a very serious frown when I laugh. I am also dropping a very serious bottom lip, giving Mum and Dad a very key warning sign to 'change the channel' and do something super quick and different with me before I crack it (not literally on the TV but metaphorically speaking). I have been getting very tired lately though and I'm not getting daytime naps like I should be.
Attached is a picture if me in the suit my godmother Di bought for me. I was standing tall with my strong little legs and goofing around with Muma.
Love Kaiya Kelly Puggles
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