25/06/2014 My First Paintings

Hello all,
Today I did my first painting, I did three in fact, the first with my paint brush and fingers, the second with my hand, and the third with my foot. Muma had been thinking of waiting until the weather was warmer but there is no time like the present. The size o my canvas was 6x4 inches to fit into a photo album and also small enough for me to hold and grab at to get the paint on.  If we were to do it next time it would be easier to have a photographer to help as Muma got a bit of paint on her and the camera so she wore old clothes. Beside that there is no reason not to go for it.
It was a wonderful experience! At the time I was deep in concentration, but pre- and post painting I was laughing and smiling.  The paint was all squshy in my hands but dried on me quickly.  Muma had prepared the paint, paper, dropsheets, smock (probably not really necessary but it did save my singlet) and plenty of cloths to clean me.  It was a good time to do it as I'm not yet putting everything in my mouth but managed to hold the paintbrush in my hand. 
The most important thing was to make sure a bath was ready for me and was on the warmer side as it was cold today.
The paint dried on my skin and flaked right off in the water.  There are a couple of tiny flecks in my hair but it won't take them long to brush out.  (It was Mont Marte Acrylic Metallic Paint). Somehow we ended up with paint on my outfit after my bath, it was most likely a transfer from the change table, so a drop sheet for the change table might be a good idea along with an old outfit too. Generally the acrylic washed out though, so hopefully it will in this case.
 Enjoy the pictures! (PS. there will be more on the blog too - but a little later!)
Love Kaiya Kelly Puggles


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