23/06/2014 This girl...A guest post by Muma

Muma here with a guest post/email.
This girl:
- likes to fly in the air like a super hero, I think the best part is that she gets a whole new perspective of the world.
- is going through some changes in her sleeping patterns. The aim was to standardise an use the cot more for daytime naps, but it is now all over the place. Goodbye to the 10hour straight sleeps!
- is the Sunshine in my day
- pulls the best bottom lip curl and eyebrow scrunch before she is about to cry. I haven't yet caught it on camera, but I really hope I do so I can share it with you. It is a classic!
- is the best companion ever. She is patient, cute, cuddly, and super fun. She gives great smiles that say I LOVE YOU Muma, and I LOVE YOU Dad.
- is awesome, Why, oh, just everything about her.
- is so beautiful when she is asleep in your arms, you just don't want to put her into bed. So I just say, one last kiss, one last squeeze, one last moment.
- inspires her Dad to buy baby costumes like Winnie the Pooh's friend Tigger from the internet (see photo attached of little Tigger)
- is so precious, and has to trust us to care for her so much it is scary. We love being your Mum and Dad Kaiya, and I hope we are close to our best as parents.
- is all arms and legs when she is overtired, naughty Muma for not getting her to bed sooner.
- sometimes doesn't know if she wants to smile or frown and break out into a cry, especially after the chore of getting dressed.
- is getting longer and longer and resembling a little grown up girl already,
- is a Superstar
- This girl gets bored watching Muma type, but is extremely patient (see photos attached, I particularly love her bulging belly)
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