06/07/2014 Ouch-e-Wah-Wah Immunisations

Hello all,

Last time I went for my immunisations I was a 6 week old.  My Dad came along which was very good as he is scared of needles. This time it was Muma and Nan.

On Friday (3 July '14) I got my 4 month immunisations.  It was hard core.  One minute everyone is being so nice to you and then Bazzinga, you get smacked with a pain that is indescribable and you are howling in pain.  Not cool Muma, not cool.
But don't worry, there were lots of  kisses for me this weekend.  Even though we tried without success to get more naps so I could recover from my needles, Dad still took me for a little flight around the courtyard and gave me lots of kisses.
I'll tell you more about my weekend later.
Love Kaiya Kelly Puggles



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